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New Single: "Best Birthday Ever" Aug 22nd!

I'm super excited to announce the release of my new single, "Best Birthday Ever," available for free download (yes, free!) at this Tuesday, Aug 22nd!

How awesome are birthdays?! It has to be one of the most exciting moments in a kid's life. An entire day all about you! And everybody gets one every year (or every four years if you were born on a leap year of course)!

The question is, how are you going to make your birthday (or your child's birthday...because we all know parents are the real event planners when it comes to birthdays) the Best Birthday Ever??

As a kid I remember feeling like every birthday party I was at was the Best Birthday Ever. My favorite type of party was the classic and always epic sleepover party. There were always plenty of activities, cake and excitement. Of course none of us ever got any sleep at these parties because all the kids would stay up all night telling stories and playing games. I'll never forget the birthday boy or girl frantically trying to keep the party-goers quiet for fear of waking up mom and dad.

Do you remember your Best Birthday Ever?

-Smilin' Rylan

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